The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75847   Message #1353435
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
10-Dec-04 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: Loughstock lll
Subject: RE: Loughstock lll
Hi Skarpi

I just wrote you the longest PM I've ever written! But I pressed the wrong button and lost the whole lot. I hope I can remember everything....

If you like, I can hire a car and transport you everywhere you need to go in Northern Ireland, including meeting you at the airport on Thursday night and getting you back there on Monday morning. Also trips to wherever your friend lives. (I know my way round Belfast pretty well.) The total cost to you guys would be £25 each, which would go towards cost of car hire. This is less than you would pay in bus fares during your stay, and would save you a lot of hassle.

Also I am fairly sure I can borrow a friend's house, just a few miles from the airport, where we could all stay on Thursday night if you like. I could then take you to meet your friend in Belfast on Friday morning, and pick you up again when you want to set off for Portaferry. If you did not mind waiting until 1500 before leaving for Portaferry, that would be perfect, as my daughter would be out of school and we might be able to squeeze her into the car on the same trip.

On Sunday night, you could stay at the self-catering house I have booked. Five of us are staying there on Friday and Saturday, but on Sunday night it is only MudGuard and me, so far. The cost to you would be £9 each. OR, it might be better to stay at my friend's house again, as that is much nearer to the airport. We could decide about Sunday night later, when I know for sure whether we can borrow the house. The cost for using the house, if available, would be a bottle of some suitable Icelandic concoction for the house owner (is there something called Brinnivin?)

By the way, the best music day at Portaferry will be Saturday. Most people are leaving on Sunday, and you might like to go to a session in Belfast that day (it starts about 1600). That might suit your Belfast friend, and maybe Skipjack8 (Greg) and MudGuard would like that, as they are staying in Northern Ireland till Monday (Greg will also have a hire car).

Let me know what you think, and also let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes ~ Peter Kirker [also known as "Peter K (Fionn)"]