The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76380   Message #1353573
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
10-Dec-04 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: ROTK Extended edition - Got it yet?
Subject: RE: BS: ROTK Extended edition - Got it yet?


How can I say more.

Finished training 15 mins early so I could get home and settled to start watching at 8. Actualy got started about 1/4 past. 4 hours later I was still sat open mouthed. The big session is yet to come. May keep it as a treat over the hols. Remember there is now the 4 x DVD 'making of', the Gollum special, the Orchestral one that comes out with this one etc etc. Probably talking 20 hours or so?

The extended edition came out here in the UK today. I am one of the lucky ones who has had all 3 special editions as well with the free gift extras. Argonath bookends with FOTR, Gollum model with TTT and a Miras Tirith model come trinket box with ROTK. Always a sucker for marketing:-) Will probably buy the full boxed set with every conceivable extra, that I probably already have, when that comes out as well!

Get it now!
