The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76431   Message #1354294
Posted By: beetle cat
11-Dec-04 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: songs about building boats/ships?
Subject: songs about building boats/ships?
I can only think of a few songs that even mention or allude to the building of a boat, such as Roll Alabama (the first few verses, and then it is sinks to the bottom of the sea!!), or maybe Lukey's Boat (because he did a bad job).

So does anyone know any songs that credit the shipwrights, ships carpenters, or boat builders as anything besides deceitful murderers (the ship carpenters wife, the cruel ship's carpenter, the ship's carpenter...)

they are really not always that evil.. in fact I know a few very nice ones.. and it is troubling that I cant think of any folk songs praising the work they do, especially since it is such a folkish occupation.
