The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76372   Message #1354601
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-Dec-04 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: Black Britons & Folk Music?
Subject: RE: Black Britons & Folk Music?
I am finding it quite intrigueing that on this thread and the one about mumming there seems to be an obvious dissparity of attitude between US and UK catters on the question of race. Perhaps it is just me, although I think not, but the attitude in the UK seems to be that race does not matter. In the US it does.

I will point out that I am not overly qualified to comment as I am a white middle aged, middle class male with a beard and beer belly! Archetypal folkie or what:-) However I have lived almost in an inner city area amongst people from all races all my life. I am also of Polish decent and came across some quite fierce predjudice against me in my younger days:-( All that being said I have never considered anyone to be any different to me regardless of race, colour or creed. Most of my peer group are similarly inclined although I have come across horrendous racism in some of my local pubs and clubs.

The point being no-one I know of would even dream of asking the question about what contribution black people have made. We are all fokies and come across enough predjudice against us from the unknowing masses and ignorant media without further sub-dividing the genre! We are lucky enogh to have, I hope, an integreted society where Sca rhythms are as welcome in the folk club as morris dance is at the Moss Side festival. Moss side being a heavily black area btw for those who don't know it, where I know both cotswold and north west teams have danced.

I am as certain as anyone can be that people of all races have contributed greatly to the magical mix that is on the folk 'scene' at the moment. Whether that folk scene is represented at a predominantly white, black or sky blue event does't seem to matter here in the UK.

Does it in the US?


Dave the Gnome