The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76372   Message #1354685
Posted By: Azizi
12-Dec-04 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Black Britons & Folk Music?
Subject: RE: Black Britons & Folk Music?
weelittle drummer & others, I know that I don't know and I'm trying to learn. That's why I appreciate the different perspectives shared here.

For instance, wee little drummer, unless I try to google these names I haven't a clue who Jack Hudson and Michael Flately are.

From my perspective, I would offer that there is no folk scene in African American urban areas like what I gather from Mudcat posts exists in the UK {i.e. clubs where musicians play and people sing traditional folk songs}. Maybe there are some in predominately White neighborhoods or in the downtown areas, but I wouldn't know about that.

If you gather from my comments that I believe that there is still a lot of segregation in entertainment venues in the United States, you would be right.

I think the nearest thing we have to people singing along at nightclubs is karaoke. Some of these clubs may very well be integrated. Maybe that counts as folk music but I rather think that folk purists wouldn't think so.

Of course, I could be wrong as I'm not [and no one else is] the voice of all Black people here or anywhere.

One more thing, while I feel that race shouldn't matter with regards to work, housing, health, schooling, entertainment, etc. unfortunately it still does.

I acknowledge my race here because I believe that it helps add context to my remarks.

In other circumstances, I don't go around waving a race banner. That's not my style.