The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76454   Message #1354852
Posted By: Forsh
12-Dec-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Vin Garbutt Booked at last!!
Subject: Vin Garbutt Booked at last!!
Hi there Folks & Folkies. It has taken me a long long time to be in a position to book Vin, and now, at last, I have a date! ... December 3rd 2005! Oh well, it'll be worth the wait. Clennell Hall Near Alwinton, in Rural (National Park) Northumberland is the venue, I will put a link to the adjacent campsite, in case anyone fancies a visit! Tickets will be £8 inc a Buffet Supper!Clennel Hall Camping Site Link