The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76440   Message #1354904
Posted By: Rapparee
12-Dec-04 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
Subject: RE: BS: Jokes about Religon Banned.
A priest has been going to a psychiatrist, who finally is able to diagnose that his problem comes from stress.

"Take a week or two off, Father," the doc advises. "Go someplace like Vegas, see the shows, drink, play with the know, sin a little."

So the good Father takes off for Vegas, where he wears tourist clothes and acts like every other male tourist. Finally, he ambles into a topless bar, where a drop-dead redhead wearing very little brings him a drink and says, "And how are you, Father O'Brien?"

" did you know?" he asks.

As she drops into his lap she said, "I'm Sister Mary Dolores, and we go to the same psychiatrist."