The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76440   Message #1355527
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Dec-04 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
Subject: RE: BS: Jokes about Religon Banned.
Jesus came back -- not the Second Coming, but just to see how things were going. As he walked along, he met a blind man. Jesus asked, "How are you my son?" and the man responded, "I'm blind. I used to assemble computers, but I've lost my sight and my family is now poor and very hungry." And Jesus said, "Be healed! See again!" and the man was healed, and the man thanked Jesus and went off to return to his old job.

Farther on, Jesus met a woman on crutches. She told him that she used to be a dancer, but had to have an operation and now could no longer dance. Jesus said, "Be healed! And dance again and give people joy!" And she was, and she went off dancing down the street.

Finally, Jesus met a man who was sitting on a doorstep weeping. Jesus sat next to the man, put his arm around him, and gently asked, "My son, why do you weep? Have you lost a loved one?"

And the man recognized Jesus right off (the halo and all), and replied, "Lord, I'm a banjo player and...."

And hearing that, Jesus wept with him.