The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73456   Message #1355851
Posted By: Eric the Viking
13-Dec-04 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Songs for national speak like a pirate day
Subject: RE: national speak like a pirate day, sunday
Thart woz well said Peg leg Pierce. I wouldn'ts sail wi miself if'n I ad a choize. "Baby buggerer" now ye've given me a idea, I allays likes ter try something new fer the season of badwill to all men, wimin and sheeps, so keep a weather eye on yer kids. I mite comes down yer chimenies dressed as an elf and board yer babies. So sez I.

If'n I baint be a pirate eric o red, pray tells I what I be? Us Vikings sailed the irish main, the spanish main (long before them spanish dogs called it so) and even up the east coast main. What be's I then? No scurvey dog I. I eats fruit wiv me meat and grog. A bit o sliced liver wiv a fresh horange from the cariabean. Be cafeful matey, I mites slice yers out n chew on it like a bit of old gristle afore I spits it into the briney! Arrgh.

Now, then one eye duck, I turns to ye n sez no matter what sort o cap'n ye be, even one of hindustry, ye still steals, robs and yer hoity toity talk won't change ye. So beware if'n ye've turned traitor then the black spot'l be placed into yer palm one day. Then ye'll know to be afeared!