The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76431   Message #1355908
Posted By: Bat Goddess
13-Dec-04 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: songs about building boats/ships?
Curmudgeon just reminded me of "On the Backside of Nantucket Point" which I sort of sing and is not in the DT. (My Random Access Memory is getting more and more random.)

I learned it from John Roberts who let me tape him singing it back in 1981. He set it to "The Black Joke" morris tune.

Here 'tis --

Uncle Josiah and old Uncle Sam
They built them a sloop in the shape of a clam
      On the backside of Nantucket Point.
They got her caulked up both tight and staunch
And when it was done, she was ready to launch.
      On the backside of Nantucket Point.
Uncle Josiah says he, "Sam, come,
We'll go into town for a runlet of rum."
But one little rum soon turned into another
And before very long they were three sheets together.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.

By launching time they were in for some fun
So down to the beach all the women did run.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
Nancy and Polly and Prudy and Sue
And a vast many others that none could outdo.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
Tabitha Bunker and Abigail Pease
Poor Uncle Josiah was weak at the knees.
But mothers and daughters and sweethearts and wives
All hurried out for the time of their lives.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.

The sloop she was launched and got under way
But uncle soon found that the bitch wouldn't stay.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
They pulled on the helm to wear her around
But when she jibed over, she struck the hard ground.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
And Uncle Josiah was all in a fret
For fear he'd got taken in old Neptune's net.
Then Uncle Josiah says he to old Sam,
"For a thousand such sloops I'd not give a damn."
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.

But he called out all hands to man the boat
To take out an anchor and heave her afloat
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
But Uncle Josiah did swamp it and swore
That he wished the darn vessel had rotted ashore
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.
But they got her into the harbor snug
And moored her safe as a bug in a rug.
Old Uncle Josiah then scrambled ashore
Swore he would never build sloops anymore.
    On the backside of Nantucket Point.