The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76542   Message #1357443
Posted By: fiddler
15-Dec-04 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Another One Bites The Dust
Subject: Another On Bites The Dust
Hi all,

Just to add to the Doom Gloom and Despondancy Merchants fayre - I heard last night that a 35 year old steam fair in Berkshire has bitten the dist due to various reasons based on money.

Cynically the discussion that followed went along the lines of : -
Health and Safety

Not neccassarily in that order but.......

This was a multi day event and a large one to boot which did feature Morris Dancing and Clog Dancing as part of it's activities.

I suspect this is (along with Sidmouth) one of many, Are there any more that we know of?

We'll have to get Les Barker to write some political ode to the death of the festival!

Sorry Just thought I had to air that news with you all.


OK Sorry I know Sidmouth has not gone.