The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76440   Message #1358281
Posted By: Cluin
15-Dec-04 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
Subject: RE: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
A priest and a rabbi were sharing a compartment on a train. The priest started a conversation by asking "I know that in your religion you're not supposed to eat pork... But have you really never tried it?"
   "I will tell you truthfully," the rabbi nodded. "Yes I did try pork once. Now you tell me... I know that celibacy is a requirement of your religion, but..."
   The priest interrupted, "Yes, Yes, I know exactly where you are going here and, yes, like you I surrendered to temptation once."
   The rabbi nodded and there was silence for a while.
   Then the rabbi broke the silence. "It was better than pork, wasn't it?"