The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76601   Message #1359129
Posted By: Lizzie in SASSY SIDMOUTH!
16-Dec-04 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: Listen to Show of Hands 'Crooked Man'
Subject: Listen to Show of Hands 'Crooked Man'
You can now hear Show of Hands new single 'Crooked Man' as a downloadable single.... it's available from here:

show of hands home page

Gulp! Hope that comes up OK when I post it! Terrible Dingbat with computers! :0) The address looks a bit different to me, but maybe it changes when I press 'Submit' At least it will bring a smile to your faces if I'm wrong! If there is a problem though, just go to and it's all on there.

Anyway, Crooked Man is IMO all about George Bush and Tony Blair, but I could be wrong! Really important song, if ONLY it had been 'out there' before everyone went to the polls in the U.S. a few weeks back!

It's time songs like this were being played everywhere. Give all the Crooked Men/Politicians something to think about and the general population too!

Just have a listen and see what you think. I'd like to know.

Lizzie :0)