The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76440   Message #1359320
Posted By: Don Firth
16-Dec-04 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
Subject: RE: BS: Jokes about Religion Banned.
         Father Murphy and Rabbi Ginsberg had been friends for years, had many interesting discussions about religion, and had learned much from each other. Underlying all this, Father Murphy had vowed to convert the Rabbi to Christianity. He tried, subtly, for years, but he didn't fool the Rabbi for a minute. The Rabbi just smiled and tolerated the priests efforts, knowing that, in his heart, Father Murphy meant well.
         An ecumenical religious conference was coming up, and as they had done many times before, Father Murphy was driving the both of them to the conference. Another car, coming in the opposite direction, swerved across the road. Father Murphy yanked the wheel over, desperately trying to avoid a head-on collision, and ran into the ditch. The car flipped over and tossed both he and the Rabbi out of the car.
         Father Murphy felt battered and bruised, but otherwise all right. But before offering a prayer of thanks for his survival, he prayed that Rabbi Ginsberg was also okay. Then he saw the Rabbi. He was on his knees and he saw him make the Sign of the Cross.
         "Oh, thank you, God!" he shouted with joy. "Not only have you spared our lives, but Rabbi Ginsberg is converted!"
         "What are you talking about?" asked the Rabbi.
         "You've accepted Christ! I just saw you make the Sign of the Cross!"
         "Sign of the Cross? No! I was just checking to make sure I had everything."
         "But that was the Sign of the Cross. I saw you."
         "No, no! Just checking. Watch closely." Moving his right hand as he had done before, he said, "Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and pen."

Don Firth