The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2939   Message #13600
Posted By: Peter T.
30-Sep-97 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Goodbye England's Rose Part II - The Parodies
Subject: RE: Goodbye England's Rose Part II - The Parodies
Just to rescue this from the gruesome. In the spirit of "Her Majesty" (the Beatles)...

Goodbye, England's Queen,
Though the knives are all out for you
You had the grace to hold yourself
and helped to win the war.
Goodbye England's Queen,
This is the thanks you get
for fifty years of decency
And doing of your best.

And it seems to me
you lived your life
like a queen upon the throne
Smiling and shaking hands
and working like a drone
And through innumerable openings
and charity bazaars
You acted like a proper bird
and bit your regal tongue

And it seems to me you have the right
To tell them to get stuffed
All those parasitical frauds
who want to see you fail
whose idea of emotion is a photogenic wail
Oh, well, at least you can now eat at the Ritz
sans paparazzi on your tail!!
Goodbye England's Queen
though your face is on the coins
please have the grace to never change
like a stuffy Windsor chair!!