The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2925   Message #13609
Posted By: Charles
30-Sep-97 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Link(s) to Jacques Brel?
Subject: RE: Link(s) to Jacques Brel?
If you follow the password links they take you to a form where you can ask for one. You should have no trouble acceeding the songs for non-commercial purpose (I think French copyright law is lax on private use... Never seen a copyright acknowledgement on French scouts' songbooks in any case). Some of the questions on the form look weird but they are meant to be lighthearted (just make clear you're not going to resell the songs you got there). Finally if you're not sure you understood the form, which is in French, say so in the comments textfield at the end. Good luck with the French!

Charles (

PS. And check out Georges Brassens' songs, he's brilliant writer.