The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15307   Message #136111
Posted By: bbelle
14-Nov-99 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: Oy, do I have a migraine!
Subject: RE: Oy, do I have a migraine!
I suffered from migraines for about 10 years and they were debilitating. Once I was taken off birth control pills the migraines stopped and now I suffer almost as often with allergy headaches. But re the migraines ... anything with tyramine will trigger them, i.e, chocolate, red and rose wines or any wines with bisulphites, bananas, aged cheeses, processed meats. Low barometric pressure was deadly for me. Caffiene actually helped because it expands the blood vessels. Unfortunately for me, at the time I was so beset with them, there were any really good medications. I tried Sansert, which unbeknownst to me is a derivative of LSD and I was the one in 10,000 who had a nasty reaction. I took Inderal, which is for high blood pressure, for years but it didn't help either. One good thing is that sometimes one grows out of them, especially is they are brought on by hormones. A dark room was helpful and icepacks across my forehead definitely helped ease the pain. I feel fortunate not to have them anymore and feel for anyone who does ... moonchild