The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76644   Message #1361533
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Dec-04 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Kirk is now up to 6 votes!

Kirk - 6
Spock - 9

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 2
Scotty - 1
Bones - 1
Cletus (?) - 1

(We have determined that Cletus is/was a very, very minor Ferengi character in the Next Generation episode # 57. He attempted to have sex with Doctor Crusher (inflamed by the sight of a woman in clothing), and got punched out by her. He then attempted to beam himself out of the ship but got the coordinates confused and materialized inside the warp drive. Bye, bye, Cletus!)