The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76694   Message #1362354
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
21-Dec-04 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Simple Gifts
Subject: RE: Simple Gifts
Believe in someone. Looking at our own lives, we realize how much the belief in us of others, when we didn't believe in ourselves is a transforming power.

When I was still working at a Museum, there was a member of the Board Of Directors who I really liked. I loved his optomism. He'd come up with an endless list of ideas for things that we could do... many of them hopelessly unrealistic. And yet, he was a very successful, practical business man. We'd approach every idea with an open mind, and look at all the pros and cons, and while many turned out not to be worth even attempting, there were many ideas that turned out not only to be practical, but wonderful new directions to go. I used to tell him how much I enjoyed him because he was a believer. I'd say, "Just because you believe you can do something doesn't mean that you can, but if you don't believe you can do it, you can be assured that you can't."

I think of many instances in my life when people believed so strongly in me, long before I could believe in myself. Belief isn't all that easily instilled in others, but through time, it can grow in the person with continual encouragement. My youngest son survived some extremely depressing and difficult years to a great extent because he knew that I never lost faith in him. With each passing year, he believes in himself more strongly, and my faith in him isn't as critical. There have been so many times when friends or family members have been struggling, when they've asked me "Do you still think I'll get through this?" They desperately needed that assurance.

And I'd always reassure them.

If you know someone who is really struggling, encourage them. Believe in them. And tell them.

It is one of the greatest of all gifts.
