The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76735   Message #1362553
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Dec-04 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: DC 'catters, be afraid (Public Radio & Folk)
Subject: RE: DC 'catters, be afraid
I have just sent the following to WAMU, and would suggest that folks from every corner of the globe do the same.

All the best,


I have been an online listener of yours, a fan of the Diane Rehm show, and a supporter of public radio for years. I must tell you that I am troubled by your hiring of Caryn Mathes. This person, in the Detroit marketplace that you hired her from, was responsible for the destruction of quality public programming. She dropped such perennial favorites as "Car Talk", as well as the long running, hugely popular, and leading fundraiser, "Folks Like Us". As a result of her actions, I ceased to support or listen to WDET. Further, I, and many like me, will never contribute again to that station.

Your marketplace has one of the largest folk community's in the country. I intend to tell them of this move and it's possible ramifications.

Your station has always been a beacon in the public broadcast world. I sincerely hope this isn't an omen of things to come.

Mick Lane