The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76644   Message #1362748
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Dec-04 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Righto. The election battle storms boldly on...although Kirk and Spock are the official candidates for our party guy, our coolest of the cool among interstellar stud monkeys (and monkettes), there are many other votes coming in, splitting the ticket all over the place. The standings:

Spock - 10
Kirk - 6

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
Seven of Nine - 2
Bones - 1
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
"Q" - 1
Will Reiker - 1

And I am now putting in a very enthusiastic vote for Deanna Troy!

Deanna Troy - 1

The analysts here at WSSBA Central are expressing surprise at a number of developments...First of all, that James T. Kirk has not run away with it by now is fairly astounding, although Spock was expected to be a very strong contender from the start. Jean-Luc Picard, too, was considered a dangerous adversary who could rob a great many votes from either the Kirk or the Spock camp, but he has so far made only a modest showing of 3 votes. This is disappointing for Picard-worshippers, many of whom are female. Uhura and Scotty are feisty, as always. That was expected. That the smarmy little weasel, Dr Bashir, has actually EQUALLED them is remarkable! (The WSSBA does not really regard Dr Bashir as true Star Trek material.) Leonard McCoy has not come through as expected, possibly due to his propensity for bizarre non-sequitors and emotional outbursts...but the most astounding thing of all...the thing that has us utterly gobsmacked, is....DATA has only 1 vote!!! Shocking! The charming android was expected to be in 4rth place at this point in the polls. What, oh what, has happened to Data???

As for Guynan (played by Whoopi Goldberg), well...we weren't really expecting much buzz around her...