The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76372   Message #1363051
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Dec-04 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: Black Britons & Folk Music?
Subject: RE: Black Britons & Folk Music?
A few points: whatever the Shambles may say, or in whatever way we would wish the world to be, I think our race/cultural backgrounds are very important to how we perceive folk music, as central a component of the Art of Identity as anything.

They are not very important to me for this purpose, as they tend to get in the way of the music. But I simply question how helpful this approach is.

Are we are going to use music simply to confrim or compound our historical differences and allow this to continue to divide us?

Or if we are going to use music to help overcome these differences and unite us?

With all the wonderful musical opportunities now presented to us. It is less important where we are coming from - than it is where we are going....   

There are often contoversies on Mudcat, for example, as to whether certain songs(say "The Wild Rover") are Irish or English...or nether, or both. But it is perfectly obvious that people's country of origin is quite likely to affectr how they approach a question like this, we all have group loyalties,or disloyalties, like it or not.

Even if you could establish the definitive answers to such questions - is it really all that important? The fun seems to be in the arguing, but the important thing surely is that whatever a music's origins - it is there for everyone's enjoyment. And for everyone to take part in the music's development.

Music is a universially understood and liberating language. I feel that we should always bear that in mind, when we are using written words to talk about music. Or when we are dancing about architecture.....