The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76644   Message #1363357
Posted By: GUEST,WSSBA Voter Central
22-Dec-04 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Ahem. Damon Tog has just secured a place on the list. The less said about it the better. What IS worth talking about is...Picard has now tied Kirk!!!!

The standings:

Spock - 10
James Tiberius Kirk - 6
Jean-Luc Picard - 6

Uhura - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 2
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 2
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will Reiker - 1
Deanna Troi - 1
Pavel Chekov - 1
Damon Tog (Ferengi) - 1
Lwaxana Troi - 1

*Note: Damon Tog once attempted to romance Lwaxana Troi, and she led him on for a bit, till rescued by Jean-Luc Picard. This is interesting, in light of the fact that all three of them received one vote each in the last few rounds of voting!