The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76372   Message #1363397
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Dec-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Black Britons & Folk Music?
Subject: RE: Black Britons & Folk Music?
My point is that where ever we may be coming from - we can always just go ahead together and sing the song. Perhaps that way instead of approaching an argument - we can avoid arguments on the subject and perhaps on other subjects too....?

We can argue on other subjects - if we must and we probably will - but it must be always better to make music together that to argue about it. It is certainly better to listen to people making music together than to listen to them arguing about it.

I think this thread is a good example. We know the attitudes and where they are coming from and the reasons why. Now what do we do? Do we adopt the more seggregated US approach to music making here in the UK - to keep them happy or insist that they accept our more intergrated appoach?

Sadly I fear that - as in all things - we will, in time we will be forced into adopting the US model, whether this is the best way forward or not.