The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76765   Message #1363463
Posted By: GUEST
22-Dec-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
From Google News links:

"The decision has raised the ire of shoppers across the nation. Many say they'll take their dollars elsewhere. Some accuse Target of being politically correct and anti-Christian.

    For example, this week, the American Family Association, a Christian activist group based in Mississippi, sent an "action alert" to the 2.2 million people on its mailing list, asking members to consider shopping at retailers like Wal-Mart, which allows bell-ringers as an exception to its no-solicitation policy.

    "Scrooge lives," wrote an e-mailer from California, supporting a petition to boycott Target on

"Banning the Salvation Army is a perfect example of political correctness unmasked," said another.

    "Unless your shareholders are willing to live in blue states only (check the census figures. I'd bet population growth in blue states is negative, the red states are where the growth is) Target will need to restrain its secularist hostility to morality and religion," wrote a man from Texas.

    "You choose to make a point to discriminate against a Christian charity at Christmas (or do you now only call it the Holiday?) Better think about what it really means spiritually as well as financially."

This article I quote from above talks about the very politicized Christmas/Christian triumphalism I mentioned in the opening posts to this thread. The organizations promoting this boycott are Republican fronts, and are well connected to Wal Mart. And I think most people know where Wal Mart stands on the political spectrum, whose political campaign for president they've supported, etc.

These sorts of Republican evangelical non-controversies are becoming the tactical norm. The Republican capitalist greed for power is what drives this beast, and they attack anyone and anything they think they can use to successfully gut the American political system of any vestiges of secularity. Because secular societies use brains not brainwashing, to govern.

The trend in the US is to use brainwashing and emotional right wing religious proselytizing to further a political agenda by people who care nothing for the US and it's secular form of constitutional governance.