The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76765   Message #1363666
Posted By: Cruiser
22-Dec-04 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
I understand what Guest is saying and agree with much of it. Bill D, as usual, has good input.

Even though I am an atheist, I send Christmas cards to those closest in my immediate family, who are devout Christians. I see no problem with others singing Christmas carols, although I turn those songs off as soon as I hear them mostly because I tired of them many years ago. I also see no problem with any religion displaying their "scenes" on all but public grounds. If that is allowed then any miscreant religious cult could demand that their "scene" be displayed on public property. Then this holiday season, and perhaps throughout the year, we could be besieged with all manifestations of religious symbols in public, similar to political party campaign signs during elections.

Man, would I like to go back to the 1950s before PC was heard of.
