The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15328   Message #136386
Posted By: SingsIrish Songs
15-Nov-99 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Beggars to God (Bob Franke)
Subject: 'Beggars to God'--Need any info possible
I heard this tune played by a DJ at a wedding reception, however, he didn't have any information about the song...was on a tape someone had put together for him...

I don't remember any of the lyrics.

It was a beautiful, moving song...and definitely had an "Irish" flare to the tune, and the group (male singer) was "Irish" or "celtic" as well. It is probably a more recent over the last few years.

Does anyone have ANY information on this song? CD? Group? Lyrics? Songbook listing?

Thanks a bunch...and wish I had more clues for you to go on.

Mary Kate