The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76694   Message #1364041
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
23-Dec-04 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Simple Gifts
Subject: RE: Simple Gifts
I haven't read the whole thread on "well-known sayings you use" or whatever the exact title is. There's a variation on that, that applies here. And, I've seen the truth of it.

If you never give it away, it may be taken away from you.

When we were kids, most of us were told we had to "share." We were told it so often, because when you're a kid, sharing doesn't usually come all that naturally. As like as not, the response to that order was, "Aw Mom, do I HAVE to?"

I knew someone many years ago who was one of the most gifted musicians I ever met, and a fine artist as well. Those talents were used more as a "coin of the realm" than as a blessing. "Gifted" artists have been given their talents. I see people talking about how good they are doing something... singing harmony, for example. That's wonderful, and if it's recognized as a gift and is used to help others, that's as it should be. But, if gifts are used only to the benefit of the person who has been blessed with them, they may never fully realize their potential. And over the years, the talents may diminish because they have only been used for selfish purposes.

I'm not much for accurately quoting the bible but there's a statement to the effect that more is expected of those who have been given more.
The more you use your gifts to bless others, the more you will be blessed (or "happy" if you prefer a less spiritual term.)

Give and it shall be given to you.

I tell you... this stuff works!
