The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70903   Message #1364101
Posted By: EagleWing
23-Dec-04 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Bad Squire (from Chumbawamba)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: There's blood on your new foreign shrubs
Malcolm Douglas said "If the "Chumbawumba" transcription is accurate, then they have altered it to suit their own preconceptions. Probably they got it from the Raven arrangement, and misunderstood much of it. The original is far more powerful."

I have just been listening to the version on "Songs of a changing world" and, although Raven's version is reduced from Kingsley, there are major differences between Raven and Chumbawumba. The verse about the "mealy mouthed rector" is not in Chumbawumba but is in Raven, for instance. I'll look more closely at Mike Raven's version and post it later.

Frank L.