The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76765   Message #1364124
Posted By: Cruiser
23-Dec-04 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Secular vs Religious Public Celebrations
Ebbie, I agree to not being nostalgic about all things 50s.

The "Holy Wars" of Christianity vs. Islam that are likely on the horizon portend far greater danger to world stability than that posed by the Korean War, or possibly other wars.

Yes, there was an extreme differential pay scale for men over women. That was unfair. The Civil Rights strife of White vs. Black was wrong too. Now it seems to be all cultures against each other and that could get worse. It is important that we remain the United States and avoid the fragmentation other countries have experienced.

Above and below ground nuclear tests could increase as more sovereign nations gain nuclear capabilities. At least there was some control, if only by the number of countries doing the testing, "back then".

I don't miss the smoky atmosphere either. I remember the 'Hit Parade' when; I think it was Perry Como who while smoking a Chesterfield (or Lucky Strike) stated how good they were for you! (paraphrased). I used to shoot pool in the 60s and still recall the about 5 foot high thick layer of smoke haze my head was in when I wasn't bent over the pool table taking a shot.

Notwithstanding the Cold War, I think we are worse off with the current fragmentation of the Soviet Union. We had only one Giant to watch; now we have a multitude of potential nuclear threats.

Ah, the nuclear attack drills as a school child. Now children have to worry about planes crashing into buildings or homemade bombs exploding in their daycare or schools; or their classmates slaughtering them with assault weapons. I will also take getting swatted with that "electric paddle" from that mean old Principal or teacher over the current undisciplined school climate today.

Conformity: my military service reinforced my thoughts that humans work well together when you conform to certain standards. If you are a nonconformist you are out, period! High standards are slipping away in America today, I don't like it, and I attribute many of society's ills to nonconformity to higher standards of conduct. If you "rock the boat" too much society has the right to demand that you do not reap its benefits. I strongly defend the death penalty. There is no "God" to mete out justice on "Judgement Day" so society must do so for the benefit of those that strive to follow the rules.

I still prefer the 50s and early 60s...before those darned Beatles and the ensuing drug culture!
