The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76644   Message #1364228
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Dec-04 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
Wow! Things are heating up here, and we have some more "fringe" candidates. Kirk goes to Warp 5 and barrels past Jean-Luc again! But Spock is unstoppable! The standings:

Spock - 12
James Tiberius Kirk - 8
Jean-Luc Picard - 6

Uhura - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 3
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 2
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will/Thomas Riker - 2
Deanna Troi - 1
Pavel Chekov - 2
Damon Tog (Ferengi) - 1
Lwaxana Troi - 1
Geordie La Forge - 1
Tom Parrish - 1
K'heylar - 1
Gene Roddenberry - 1

Nice to see Gene Roddenberry on the list, as he was actually the force behind it all, and Daylia is absolutely right! Star Trek was one of the very few positive forces in TV drama history, as it envisioned a future of enlightenment, unity, and brotherhood instead of the usual dark and pessimistic dramas that are foisted upon us...apparently to show us what losers we all really are! Hooray for Star Trek, a show that believed in humanity!