The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76735   Message #1364356
Posted By: Ferrara
23-Dec-04 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: DC 'catters, be afraid (Public Radio & Folk)
Subject: RE: DC 'catters, be afraid (Public Radio & Folk)
Tannywheeler, I don't think we can fix this. I have been saying for a couple decades now that the "MBA mentality" of the Bottom Line Before All Else is destroying the U.S....

But the ruthless, unrelenting money grubbing doesn't even necessarily help the bottom line, as WAMU's recent past shows.

The bluegrass programs, especially the afternoon bluegrass on WAMU, were one of, or the very biggest, sources of listener contributions. But as Ron Olesko pointed out above, individual listener contributions for special programs can't begin to compete with big corporate contributions, and the corporate sponsors wanted more talk radio, I guess those are the listeners who buy their products and/or services. So, WAMU pandered to those contributors, dropped most of the bluegrass, screwed over a lot of the staff, and -- they lost money like mad. Poor management, I believe the verdict was. Are we surprised?

They don't give a flying flamingo about the listeners, or their money, in comparison with their desire for corporate money; so I'm not sure any kind of protest will have any effect at all on policies although we have to try.

To paraphrase Coyote Breath, " OOOOOH! I'm in a bad mood this past decade or so, sorry for the rant."
