The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76690   Message #1364421
Posted By: GUEST,Champagne Carol's SS
23-Dec-04 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dunderbeck
Subject: RE: Origins: Dunderback's Terrible Machine(Dunderb
You guys are really amazing! This is wonderous information!

I suppose my biggest stumbling block all along was the spelling. I kept searching for info on 'Dunderback' or 'Donderback' and there's enough there to fool you into thinking you have a handle on the song. Having never heard of "Johnny Verbeck" and having it never ocurr to me at first to look up every possible spelling...I never hit on the treasure trove of sources for 'Dunderbeck.' Incidentally, this thread comes up now when you search on any of the spelling which will be helpful to future searchers. It's nice to have all this in one place.

Q's info certainly solves a lot of the mystery for me. Doesn't Stilly River Sage live in NYC? Do you think we can bribe him with Chocolate to go and check up on this at the Central Library? How much Chocolate would it take or would we need something stronger?

I'm waiting with bated breath for the next development! I told my Sis about this thread and she wants a print-out for her references. She was stunned to hear how old it was. This was one of those slightly creepy songs that we always demanded from the elders but also were completely appalled by as children! We figured it was no earlier than 1900.

Speaking of bawdy..somewhere I have my grandfather's racy and bawdy parody of 'the Animal Faire" which I must dig out.

Many Thanks to ALL of you. and Q...I am in awe of your scholarly prowess!

Champagne Carol's Secret Santa
sorry to keep signing posts this way, but until Cllr and I do the big reveal, it's best to stay as CCSS in THIS thread. I'm working on a CD of my Grandad's work for her as a Twelfth Night gift and having mentioned Dunderback..well..the jig would be up if I used my Nick.