The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63968   Message #1365159
Posted By: dgallant
27-Dec-04 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Looking for Bruce Murdoch
Subject: RE: Looking for Bruce Murdoch
Hello bruce. I doubt you will recall me but my name is dave gallant. I hung out and performed on occassion (as an open stager) at the New Penelope when it was on Stanley st around "65". I socialliezed quite a bit with Sean Ganier and even with you on occassion. I've been on a nostalgia kick of late and came across your name here. It's good to now your still around. We had Penny Lang fpr a house concert here last year. I'm living in Sooke BC just outside Victoria on Vancouver Island. Still singing weekends. I so "Rompi Rovin Days" every now and then. I start recording my on CD in Januzary. Anyway, good to find you and I hope we can establish some kind of dialogue.