The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76707   Message #1365653
Posted By: andymac
28-Dec-04 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Best harmony singers
Subject: RE: Best harmony singers
Seems to me there are two threads to this thread now.
Harmony singers:
Coope Boyes and Simpson
Sweet Honey in the Rock,
Davey Steele and Drinkers Drouth (Not at all dirge-like.)
Jolly Jack, (who recorded two albums, full of hrarmonies- late 70s early 80s),
Palaver, 4 top Scots solo female singers singing together,
John Holland and Tony Barratt
The Johnson Girls

and secondly,
Whether or not harmonies are appropriate:
John C makes a good point takes it to extremes...

In my opinion, some songs are "made" for harmonies, eg Sea Shanties
however, other songs lose a lot of their emotional impact when harmonies are employed...Can you imagine (without waking, screaming, in the middle of the night) hearing harmonies to "Chylde Owlett", or "Sheath and Knife"? Many tradional songs are narrative ballads and as such are often far better with a solo voice; often but not exclusively, unaccompanied.

I for one, wouldn't want to hear the big ballads sung with sickly, sacharine, sanitised harmonies, nor would I want to have all harmonies banned.
