oh lordy---I did a whole article based on this song once, lemmmee see if I can remember my interpretation. (I have no idea how Franke used it, just my own thoughts)Basically what it boiled down to is, that if you believe in a God/Creator from whom everything comes, then what you possess is a gift from God; it is not "earned" - it is not "won" - it is GIVEN, as one would give to a begger, or rather, as one SHOULD give to a begger, freely, without hope for reward or benefit. God gives, we receive, out of charity, in the older sense of the word. the corralary is that we cannot give to God, as all we possess is his to begin with....
It is not a comfortable ideology; but I suspect it strikes close to the truth. But my closing line of the article, (which I DO remember) is something I still believe... "I could do far worse for an epitaph then 'He was a beggar to God' "