The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76840 Message #1366848
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
29-Dec-04 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dona Nobis Pacem (round)
Subject: RE: Origins: Dona Nobis Pacem (round)
I have to retract the 'stylistically wrong' remark I made. As someone once said, a little knowledge only contributes to ignorance.
Listening to "Missa Pange lingua" by Josquin des Prés, his Agnus Dei III seems to place the final 'Dona nobis pacem' into a round. The four voices, with countertenor and soprano voices embellishing the words, are a little difficult to understand, hence my uncertainty. Josquin lived from c. 1440-1521. (The Tallis Scholars, Gimell 454 909-2)