The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76827   Message #1366944
Posted By: Donuel
29-Dec-04 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: earthquake, related tsunami bring death
Subject: RE: BS: earthquake, related tsunami bring death
Its chilling how the human mind tries to put in numbers what we can not truely envision. I have on more than one occasion imagined how any media presentation would portray a holocaust that may number in the billions.

These Christmas day earthquakes for the last 2 years comes at a time when the American President is on vacation and we are warmed in our hearts and hearths with holiday spirit.

I am not indicting anyone regarding this tradgedy of biblical proportions. I am stunned however at the US government gesture of $35 million in relief. We spend somewhat less than a billion dollars a day in Iraq war expenses.

The war for the hearts and minds of the Muslim world is ours (USA) to win or lose.
I repeat

The war for the hearts and minds of the Muslim world is ours (USA) to win or lose with the US response to this tradgedy.

What does $35 million buy? It buys only 20% of the bonus for a CEO.
It buys a fancy new yacht or several private Gulf Stream private jets.
Private US donations will certainly dwarf 35 million many times over but for Bush advisors to put George on TV and declare the amgic number 35mil is representative of the true nature of the people in charge of the project for the new american century.

If this opinion simply strikes some people here as wholesale American bashing I can not change thier minds. I only hope the administration will change my mind with a proper response.