The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76928   Message #1368622
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
31-Dec-04 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Famous Folk Singers And Wealth
Subject: RE: Famous Folk Singers And Wealth
Let's see, this is an interesting topic! Something I rarely thought about unless we ran short of cash.

It was never the money first. All we needed was for me to make enough to get by and pay the bills. Over the years, I guess I sold more than one instrument to get the rent money together. The music and my perceptions of what it meant for me to be a folksinger came second---after the family. After the music "grabbed me", there was no real choice--in spite of what philosophers might say about choises. After choosing my own mentors and learning some of it at their knees, the meandering trail was of my own making---wondrous and scary both. Family was always first though. Luck had a ton to do with making it work. I found a ten-year job singing on Mississippi River steamboats just in time to get Chris through college with nobody owing anything. (If I sound proud, it's 'cause I am. ;-)

The only time I am chagrined at how little I've made over the years is when I go back to where I grew up and run into old friends who might be millionaires. And there were always some nicer things I would've liked to give Carol over the years. Other than those, I don't think I feel many regrets.---- And, oh, the music we heard and the friends we made! Just the best!!
