The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76967   Message #1368729
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
01-Jan-05 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
I'm getting particularly sick of hearing the word "fringe" bandied about by people who seem to have forgotten what folk music is about.

Please, please, please GUEST, DON'T go to Sidmouth this year, in case you become corrupted by a REAL folk festival, and consequently useless to the cause of Mr. Heap's commercial success.

The real folk festival is, and has always been, in the pubs, and streets, of the town. Such a pity that that the likes of GUEST (Who?) have never taken the trouble to leave the trendy followers of the latest imported dance acts, in order to re-connect with the heritage of their own land. Internationalism should be inclusive of the host nation, but there is damn all to suggest that the English heritage, and tradition, mean anything at all to them.

Do have a Happy New Year GUEST, as far as possible from me. I shall be in Sidmouth, and I don't care who knows my identity.

See you all in the Bedford, or The Swan, I hope.

Don Thompson