The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15341   Message #136928
Posted By: Penny S.
16-Nov-99 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: FruitCake Recipe
Subject: RE: FruitCake Recipe
Great! Mind you, the soaked fruit, without the cake, is pretty good, too.

Our school, a girl's technical one, had a thing about Christmas cakes. Every year, every girl had to make and ice one (until they went to far over to the science stream to be trusted - or something). Icing bags and me didn't get on too well, me being a bit clumsy. One year a iced the whole top with two layers of trellis, very fine, and when it was cut for my Dad's office party, the icing shot off all over the room. Interesting physics.

Problem was, the fruit wasn't soaked in anything really good.
