The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76996   Message #1369604
Posted By: GUEST,Auldtimer
02-Jan-05 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: Celtic connections
Subject: RE: Celtic connections
Celtic Connections changed the direction of folk music in Scotland. I keep hearing about all the young players and singers taking up folk and traditional music BUT they don't want to play floor spots   in folk clubs or sessions building up a fan base and gaining experience touring. THEY want flashing lights, 1000w 24 way input sound systems, recording deals, stardom, fame, and they want it now. The fact that many can't play with finesse and fiew, if any, can sing to save themselves is no drawback. Playing backrooms in noisy pubs? Listening to "weekend" singers and players? No way. And nowadays if you haven't studded on one or more of the vairious accademic courses and have ethnicology qulifications you can't even sing the Wild Rover or play the spoons.