The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76996   Message #1369849
Posted By: GUEST,Pete
03-Jan-05 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: Celtic connections
Subject: RE: Celtic connections
I'm not sure how well-informed Auldtimer is about the funding for 'Celtic Connections'. I think he/she might be surprised to discover what a tight budget the organiser has to operate on.

As for the "wellpayed (sic) trained professional event organisers" the guy who organises the whole festival has to do it on top of his normal full-time job. He does amazingly well.

Having said all that I'm pleased to see Auldtimer will be "thrashing" his/her credit card attending "as usual".

A wise decision!

'Celtic Connections' really is a brilliant festival and a wonderful showcase for many of the incredibly talented young singers and musicians in Scotland.

Let's not start criticising a festival that has been such a fantastic success. Let's just be glad that January has arrived and we have 19 days and nights of wonderful music to look forward to.

Hope to see you at the Late Night Club Auldtimer. I might even thrash my own credit card and buy you a beer.