The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9875 Message #1370253
Posted By: GUEST,Julia
03-Jan-05 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Duna ^^^
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Duna'--Ring any bells?
Well, better late than never- got distracted by the "holi-daze"
Here are the details- circa 1916 Looks like Josephine set a poem by Marjorie
Sung by John McCormack- Francis Rogers Cantor Josef Rosenblatt and Reinald Werrenrath
DUNA Song The words by Marjorie Pickthall The Music by Josephine McGill Boosey & Co New York London Toronto This song may be sung in public without fee or license The public performance of any parodied version, however, is strongly prohibited
Copyright MCMXIV Boosey & Co ---------------------- Inside the front cover is "Another Equally Charming Song" When as a Lad words by Isabel E. McKay
When as a lad at break of day I watched the fishers sail away My thoughts like flocking birds would follow Acros the curving skies blue hollow And on, and on, into the very heart of dawn -------------------
When I was a little lad With folly on my lips, Fain was I for journeying All the seas in ships. But now across the southern swell, Every dawn I hear The little streams of Duna Running clear.
When I was a young man, Before my beard was gray, All to ships and sailormen I gave my heart away. But I'm weary of the sea-wind, I'm weary of the foam, And the little stars of Duna Call me home. ------------------ The music follows
I will be happy to make a copy of this for anyone interested- send me your snail mail