The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #499   Message #1370293
Posted By: Tannywheeler
03-Jan-05 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Never Will Marry
Subject: RE: lyrics:I Never Will Marry
There may be a Texas Gladden recording of this piece. That's the version my mother sang from time to time. Seems to me there was a verse that started "Go 'way from me, William, and leave me alone..." I wish I had the know-how to give the tune I remember. It had more movement/interest than the tune the Smothers Bros. used (imo), but was a serious song, not the somewhat comic routine ("poignant-pregnant with feeling"..."song about a girl who was (?)months poignant"...)of Tommy and Dicky, whose work I always enjoyed.
..." 'The sands of the ocean shall be my deathbed
    And the fish in deep water swim over my head'

    She flung her fair body in the water so deep,
    And she clo-sed her pretty blue eyes forever to sleep."
More memory bits.    Thanks for the mem...         Tw