The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77028   Message #1370408
Posted By: DonMeixner
03-Jan-05 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: Irish songs which aren't Irish
Subject: RE: Irish songs which aren't Irish
Re Bouzoukis:

I'll accept the style of playing as Irish. I'll even accept the notion of an "Irish Bouzouki". But I won't accept the notion that a Bouzouki is a traditional Irish instrument any more than a banjo is a traditional Irish instrument or a guitar for that matter. I'll grant that they have styles of playing about them that is unique to Irish performers but those instruments came elsewhere from different traditions.

Kind of like my statement and firm belief that it is the singing that is the tradition and not the song.

When bagpipes are mentioned people first duck and run but then they assume that they are talking about Scottish Bagpipes. I can think of several cultures where the bagpipes exist but people only assume that we are talking of Highland pipes. When did the peipes come to Scotland? Was it before the Crusades? Did they come in with the Romans?
