The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77040   Message #1371513
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
04-Jan-05 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS, MU, PELs
Subject: RE: EFDSS, MU, PELs
Don't try to interpret it yourself. You'll just get confused, and confuse other people unnecessarily. The fact is that, though the apparent meaning and intent of the new law is reasonably clear now that the associated guidelines have been published, we simply don't know how it will all be interpreted locally. It will be months before full implementation, and until then speculation is pointless.

Just encourage all your local publicans to sign up for the full set of options.

As for EFDSS, their resource pages aren't hard to find. See

It's background material and won't give you all the answers you want, because nobody will know, until the new law is actually in operation, exactly how it will work. You won't find definitive answers anywhere yet, though you'll find a lot of speculation; some well-informed, some bizarre or just plain ignorant (much of it here).

Of course the MU will follow developments; when there are any to follow. At present we are all in limbo, and must simply wait to see what happens.