The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76990   Message #1372247
Posted By: The Unicorn Man
05-Jan-05 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Spotlight Sun 9th JanThorn Roses St Albans
Subject: RE: Spotlight Sun 9th JanThorn Roses St Albans
As I just said on The Millstream thread. I was just sitting in an 18th Century Coaching Inn, next to a roaring fire, drinking real ale, looking out at the dark and the rain and the cars, thinking this is very nice, when they ran out of Adnams, which no problem usually, but all they had left was Green King I.P.A WHICH IS VERY MUCH A PROBLEM. So I came home, in the dark and the rain and the traffic. CU all I hope at Letchworth on Friday, or somewhere soon. Where is Bertie, anyone seen him?