The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77109   Message #1373399
Posted By: Guy Wolff
06-Jan-05 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Have you been in a Movie?
Subject: RE: BS: Have you been in a Movie?
When I was a kid someone wanted to do a film about a friend of ours who did this great circus for kids out of wire and home made toys ,Sandy Calder was his name.I remember how bright the lights were and some kids playing mumbly peg out on the porch afterwards but I dont know if its the movie they use at the Whitney of Calder's Circus .
                     I did help with the sound track of a Danish Cartoon movie called "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves " in the spring of 1971. Something Im quite proud of . I played congo drum in some of the more energitic parts of the film ! Ive never seen it in America but them I wouldnt go into the sort of stores that might have it for sale ..With that band I also did a gig on a Danish TV show called " Milk and Honey" . Sillyness and Youth !! ..
                      Someone did a documentary movie on Lui Collins and me in the first half of the 1970's . I heard it won some library awards here in Connecticut ..
                     I have done some sound work for TV . My favorite was a pirate segment for Martha that I offered them some concertina with bass drum . I used "A Chanters Tune"with lots of cuts and dotts (syncapated)..
                     I would love to hear about Mudcatters (musicians) who have done sound track work as well ..
                     Bill Sables must have been on the front side of a movei camera at some point ..
                     My eldest son was a Amish Farmer beaten up by some "Small People on a World Wrestleing tv Add Last year .He also did one that was a take off of the moveu Fight Club for the same group .Funny stuff !

                         All the best , Guy