The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77164   Message #1373597
Posted By: DougR
06-Jan-05 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Senator Barbara) Boxer saves Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Boxer saves Democracy
Carol C: I assure you that I am not Martin, and Martin is not me.

I don't know what your definition of "democracy" is, but I assure you it is not mine. But I would remind you ( I assume you are aware of it of course) but he United States is a consitutional republic, not a democracy.

Someday there will be a free Iraq, just as there will be a free Afghanstan. As GWB has pointed out numerious times in speeches, free countries do not make unjustified war on others. The coalition's invasion of Iraq was fully justified based on Saddam's violation of numerous UN resolutions. You know that! The Iraqi people will be better off for it, and so will the world.

Now that Arafat is dead and gone, there might even be a real chance for peace between Palestine and Israel. I'm sure, Carol C. that you would be happy to see that, right?

